Course Details
[145 TRR]

145 – The Reality of Righteousness (Sanctification)
Credits: 3 | Diploma in Christian Theology | Semester 1 ()


Practical Theology: 145 – The Reality of Righteousness (Sanctification) Unveiling the Path of Transformation: The Reality of Righteousness (Sanctification) Beyond mere rules and rituals lies a deeper journey of transformation – a journey towards righteousness. This course delves into the heart of sanctification, exploring its biblical foundation, practical application, and enduring impact on our lives and relationships. Prepare to: • Unpack the concept of righteousness: Move beyond simplistic notions to discover its multifaceted meaning in scripture, encompassing both our inner character and outward actions. • Chart the path of sanctification: Explore the biblical blueprint for growth in holiness, understanding the role of God's grace, our choices, and the Holy Spirit's work. • Confront challenges and obstacles: Grapple with the realities of sin, temptation, and personal struggles, discovering tools and strategies for continuous growth. • Witness inspiring examples: Learn from the lives of biblical and contemporary figures who have embraced the journey of sanctification and experienced its transformative power. • Connect the journey to your own life: Apply your learnings to your personal walk with Christ, identifying areas of growth and developing practical steps for living a more righteous life. This course is for you if: • You yearn for deeper transformation in your faith and life. • You're curious about the concept of sanctification and its practical implications. • You struggle with feelings of inadequacy or the ongoing battle against sin. • You desire a closer relationship with God and a life that reflects his character. • You're open to exploring diverse perspectives on Christian growth and engaging in meaningful dialogue. Get ready to: • Engage with scripture: We'll delve deep into key biblical passages that illuminate the path of sanctification, uncovering its promises and challenges. • Participate in interactive learning: Through personal reflection, group discussions, and practical exercises, you'll actively engage with the course content and apply it to your own life. • Connect with a supportive community: Share your experiences, ask questions, and find encouragement from fellow learners on the same journey of growth. • Discover the joy of transformation: Witness the liberating power of God's grace as you cultivate a more righteous life, impacting both your own heart and the world around you. The Reality of Righteousness (Sanctification) is not a quick fix, but a transformative journey that unfolds throughout our lives. This course equips you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to embrace this path, one step at a time, and experience the joy of becoming more like Christ.

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