Course Details
[185 – PCLM]

Prayer in the Christian Life and Ministry
Credits: 3 | Diploma in Christian Theology | Semester 1 ()


185 – Prayer in the Christian Life and Ministry Beyond the Words: Unlocking the Power of Prayer - Principles for a Transformative Practice Prayer. It's a word whispered in moments of quiet reflection, shouted in desperate pleas, and uttered in countless daily routines. But what are the principles that make prayer truly powerful? Join us on a journey to discover the core elements of a transformative prayer practice, unlocking the potential for deeper connection, greater impact, and lasting change. Prepare to: • Unpack the misconceptions: Debunk common myths and misunderstandings about prayer, uncovering its true essence as a conversation, a relationship, and a source of transformative power. • Explore diverse prayer styles: Delve into various approaches to prayer, from contemplative silence to passionate intercession, and discover your own unique voice in conversation with God. • Master the art of listening: Learn to cultivate a listening heart, attuned to God's whispers in the silence, in scripture, and in the everyday moments of life. • Connect with scripture: Dive deep into key biblical passages that illuminate the power and purpose of prayer, drawing inspiration and guidance from the prayers of those who came before us. • Develop practical tools and strategies: Learn techniques for overcoming obstacles, maintaining focus, and nurturing a consistent prayer life. This course is for you if: • You yearn for a deeper connection with God and a more meaningful prayer life. • You feel unsure about how to pray or struggle with maintaining a consistent practice. • You're curious about different prayer styles and traditions and want to explore your own unique approach. • You desire to see the power of prayer manifest in your own life and the world around you. • You're open to learning from diverse perspectives and engaging in respectful dialogue. Get ready to: • Engage in interactive learning: Through personal reflection, group discussions, and practical exercises, you'll actively explore the principles of prayer and apply them to your own life. • Connect with a supportive community: Share your experiences, ask questions, and find encouragement as you embark on your journey of prayerful growth. • Discover the joy of authentic connection: Witness the transformative power of prayer as you cultivate a deeper relationship with God, experience inner peace, and find guidance in your daily life. • Leave equipped and empowered: This course will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to unlock the power of prayer and make a difference in the world, one conversation with God at a time. Principles of Prayer is not just about learning how to pray; it's about uncovering the transformative potential that lies within. Join us on this enriching journey and discover the power to connect, grow, and make a lasting impact through the simple yet profound act of prayer. Note: • Specific prayer styles will be highlighed and traditions will be focused on (e.g., contemplative prayer, importance of prayer, intercessory prayer, etc.). • Incorporating guest speakers, resources, and unique learning activities. • Adding personal touch that reflects your own experience with prayer and your passion for helping others grow in their prayer lives.

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